Dog Products for Road Trips

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  1. Ruffwear Dirtbag™ Seat Cover - $89.99

  2. Foldable Dog Water Dispenser - $15.89

  3. Chuck It - $8.99

  4. Orvis Solid-Foam Backseat Extender - $79.00, or you can try this Amazon one that has storage!

  5. Your dog’s favorite treats, we love Milo’s Kitchen Steak Grillers - $7.69

  6. A car harness and “seat belt” for your dog. We like this zip-line style one.

  7. Kurgo Tru-Fit Harness

Yearly, we drive 12 hours to Georgia with our dogs in tow, and over the years we’ve gotten better at packing for them. We have a few items we highly recommend for you, and I’ve detailed them below.

Ruffwear Dirtbag™ Seat Cover - $89.99

This is by far one of our best investments, in fact, we have two of them! We’ve tried a bunch of cheaper, Amazon options and none of them held up to our level of use, in fact a lot of them starting disintegrating after just a few washes. We’ve had this version for 2+ years and wash them often and they are still in great shape. The straps are adjustable so they can fit in either car, and the material is such that they are easy to wipe clean, and hair doesnt get stuck within the fabric.

Foldable Dog Water Dispenser - $15.89

We use this along rest stops on our ride and love it because it fits in a cup holder in the door, out of the way, and also is leakproof. We typically bring their full bowls inside our overnight stays.

Orvis Solid-Foam Backseat Extender - $79.00

Ok, this was a hotly debated choice in our house, but one we’re overall thrilled we spent the money on. These seat extenders fill the space between the front and back seats so the dogs have a full flat space to lay on, and aren’t falling into the gap. Since Erie in particular likes to be as close to the front seat as possible, this provides a great space for her to lay. In the past, we’d use the hammock-style seat cover, but we realized it prohibits the AC from reaching the dogs. So now we just don’t hook the hammock onto the front seats and tuck it in over these two foam blocks. A few notes, the fabric is removable so these can be washed, AND while the photo (at least used to) clearly makes it look like you get two for $79, they are $79 EACH.

or you can try this Amazon one that has storage and is much less than the Orvis option.

PetSafe Happy Ride Dog Zip-line - $17.95

We like this pet-safe dog zip-line as a “seat belt” for our dogs. We have two harnesses that we connect them to this set up with. There are other options, including ones that buckle in, but we find this gives our dogs the ability to have some movement while still feeling safe.

Haley G.

Haley has always loved reviewing locations and being in the know about the best neighborhoods, restaurants, and events in Cleveland. This passion fuels each guide and article she creates for The Cleveland Bucket List. She hopes you enjoy her stories and guides and get inspired to create an adventure of your own!


St. Simons Island, Georgia


48 Hours in Roma